Aimsport Sweden AB 5 Contact us

Contact us

Here you will find contact information for our team. Feel free to send an email or hit a signal if you want to get in touch with us!

Aimsport Sweden AB

Österskog 30, 335 73 Hillerstorp, Sweden
Phone number:+46 (0) 370 37 39 00

Aimsport develops, manufactures and supplies silencers to dealers and distributors around the world. On the website you will find our product range and information about all products.

Do you want to buy or look at our products?

If you are curious about our silencers, you can find them at well-stocked hunting stores.

There is also the opportunity to test our silencers, please visit our page about our test-centers to find out more information.

We also provide testing opportunitys in connection with selected fairs in Sweden and Europe. 

Team aimSport

Lasse Andersson


Linus Petersson

Production / Quality

Do you have any questions or concerns?

Our team is always ready to give you the best service and answer questions. Many of the questions in connection with silencer purchase/use can be found in our FAQ.

– If there is anything missing – email or call and we will help!